
I started my one to one session with Kathryn 4 weeks ago. Although I had been going to the gym for a few months prior I lacked so much confidence in doing things I wasn't familiar with and especially going into the free weight section as I found it far too intimidating. My goal was mainly to build confidence and to tone up. Kathryn has been great, in just the 4 week (1 session with her per week) my confidence has grown in the gym to where now I feel I can go into the every section of the gym including the free weights and use the equipment efficiently when on my own. When I first started my balance was poor and I struggled to do a single leg lunge without her holding my for support but now I can complete full sets without aids or Kathryn literally holding my hands. She is always so supportive and encouraging when you feel you can't do anymore she always pushes you just to get those final ones in where they burn but it's totally worth it to see the results. Each week is different with new moves and exercises so it's always interesting and she is knowledgeable on how to target muscle groups. I would highly recommend Kathryn to anyone who is looking for that extra help, support or guidance on any level of experience of the gym.